Quick post to announce that our very own Paul Kane, author of the Hooded Man trilogy (The Afterblight Chronicles: Arrowhead, The Afterblight Chronicles: Broken Arrow and The Afterblight Chronicles: Arrowland) will be doing a lightning-quick signing tour around the Midlands and the North in December.
He'll be at Travelling Man in Leeds on Thursday 9th December from noon until 2pm:
Travelling Man
32 Central Road
And will gladly sign and dedicate books and meet with fans during that time.
He'll also be at Waterstones in Nottingham on Friday 10th December from 6.30pm with Gary McMahon (of Tomes of the Dead: Hungry Hearts) and Joseph d'Lacey for an evening of horror discussion and more signings:
1-5 Bridlesmith Gate
Tickets cost £3 and are available in store, but the cost of the ticket counts towards a book you buy on the night, and the first twenty people to book get free books! Check out Horror Reanimated's blog post on the event, or the store's website for contact details if you have any questions.
He'll then be shooting around the Waterstones branches in Derby, Burton and Sheffield, and the Sheffield Space Centre in Sheffield, to sign stock on Monday 13th December. These aren't strictly signing-sessions - the idea is to put his signature on a load of copies for the stores to sell - but if you happen to pop alog to the store while he's around, he'll no doubt write a dedication and maybe have a quick chat with you. It's worth a shot...

UPDATE: I've just added Friday 10th above, which I didn't know about when I wrote this post but which the wonderful Marie O'Regan has just brought to my attention (Sorry, Paul).
Check out yet one more opportunity to meet Paul!
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