Hello All
Hopefully you're suitably recovered from the festive period and are enjoying the latest that Abaddon has to offer. Keen-eyed readers will have already spotted Jonathan Green's latest Pax Britannia novel, Human Nature in stores. US readers will have to wait until February but that's not so far away. If you need reminding of what said tome looks like, well here it is:

Jonathan is currently feverishly working away on the follow-up, Evolution Expects, which you can expect in May of this year (August US release) and which will also feature the exclusive novella, Conqueror Worm, which dips into the past of Pax Britannia.
It's all hands on deck here at Abaddon as we get the next few titles ready to press. Twilight of Kerberos: The Light of Heaven by David A. McIntee should be going off to the printers later this month and I've been doing read-throughs of the first halves of several books. I can report that Tomes of The Dead: Way of The Barefoot Zombie by Jasper Bark, Tomes of The Dead: Tide of Souls by Simon Bestwick and Twilight of Kerberos: The Crucible of The Dragon God are all shaping up to be real corkers!
Anyhew, that's it for now. Short and sweet as it were. Hopefully you've noticed the ace new zombie strip from Pye and Keef on the front page. This missive from the corrupt minds of those two gentlemen will be updated periodically with their filthy outpourings so keep checking back.
In other news I can report that I finally finished reading Stephen King's Dark Tower series (all seven books) and verily dub it the mutt's nuts. A superb fantasy/horror/western/ SF series that's as much about King himself as it is about Roland's quest. I'm now kicking it old skool with John Brunner's SF classic Stand on Zanzibar. Very good.
On a slightly lower note I'm really sad to hear about the closure of the Murder One bookshop on London's Charring Cross Road. Murder One was the mecca for the crime fan. A veritable treasure trove of everything the genre had to offer. I gather that the owner, Maxim Jakuwbowski, is now retiring and I'd like to give an electronic tip of the hat to this fine gent. He had done a brilliant job over the years and is one of crime fiction's shining lights.
Remember folks, that if you're a genre fan (or indeed a fan of any type of book) and live near an independent book store, be sure to support it. These people do it for the love as well as the money and they need the dedication of fans to keep them going.
Anyhew that's all from me for now. Happy reading.
Jonathan Oliver