Hey you guys!
Yes, you. No shut up, I'm talking to you. Just come over here and listen, because this is important.
So we may have already blathered at you about this cool stuff upcoming, but did you realise that today's the day we launch Gods and Monsters?
I know, right? I told you this was important.
So Gods and Monsters is the latest new world in Abaddon's stable, a dark, hectic urban fantasy in which the gods are all real, and all here... and they're exactly as colossal a collection of douches as you remember them being from the old myths.* It is a world in which men rising up to defy the gods is less a case of tragic hubris leading to inevitable destruction and more an important part of the working week.
And we are, with no little excitement, launching today, with not one, but two titles!
So, yes. The ebook versions of Chuck Wendig's full-length novel Gods and Monsters: Unclean Spirits and Pat Kelleher's exclusive novella-length ebook Gods and Monsters: Drag Hunt are both hitting the electronic shelves at Kindle, iTunes, Nook and elsewhere today. The dead-tree edition of Unclean Spirits hits the shelves in the US today, and in the UK Thursday.
If you're not buying/downloading/grabbing and reading these two books, it's because you hate your eyes. And if that's the case, heaven help you.**
Gods and Monsters: Unlean Spirits
Gods and Monsters: Drag Hunt

Because Chuck's going to be at the Rebellion Publishing stand at Book Expo America 2013 in New York, signing and giving away exclusive Unclean Spirits posters.
You can come find him from 3-4pm on Saturday 1st June - the public opening day of the Expo (buy tickets to the expo here) - at Stand #2748. We'll be extremely happy to see you.
*Assuming, here, you read one of the cool myth books, with rape and shapeshifting and torture and murder and yay. If you read some kind of Bowdlerised Roger Lancelyn Green bullshit (seriously, I loved my RLG books as a teenager, but they were some kind of confusing crap), you may be forgiven for trying to work out who was willing to conduct three marriage ceremonies for Freya and various dwarves on the same night, and why exactly they did that.
**Okay, the "heaven" line wasn't deliberate, but kinda works, so let's say it was.
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