Thursday 15 July 2010


Hulloh Again

You know, some people say awfully nice things about our books. Which makes us very happy. So we thought we'd share some words of loveliness with you concerning our fine publications:

Un: Bound very much enjoyed The Infernal Game: Ghost Dance by Rebecca Levene, calling it a "clever and enjoyable read." You too can experience the thrills of this horror and espionage series which is out now.

They also said some nice things about No Man's World: Black Hand Gang by Pat Kelleher. In fact Pat's novel is going down a storm, rating a 4 star review in the next issue of SFX no less.

Graeme's Fantasy Book Review also very much enjoyed the novel, calling it a "thoroughly entertaining tale that promises great things for the future."

Meanwhile, our beloved zombies have been gathering good press. Jasper Barke's Tomes of The Dead: Way of The Barefoot Zombie has been described as an "entertaining and gruesome read" by our friends at Shroud Magazine.

For anyone enjoying our zombie line, please note that Weston Ochse is signing and touring to promote the brilliant Tomes of The Dead: Empire of Salt. If you can make it, go along to one of these events and say 'hi' to Weston and purchase his superb novel.

Last, but not least (obviously not least, for this is a book from the pen of your editor-in-chief!!!) some very kind people have read the book what I done gone wrote (in crayon, on the back of napkins, which is the only thing they allow me in my cell) and The Book Inn Review say of Call of Kerberos that it's "a great introduction for Oliver as a novelist", while Mass Movement Magazine say "freaking awesome [...] 5 out of 5 stars!" I think I love them.

Anyhew, that's all for now. As you were.

Jonathan Oliver

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