Well, hopefully all our UK readers have recovered from the earthquake which apparently shook the country the other day. I must admit that I slept through it but it does sound rather exciting. Maybe it heralds the second age of Cthulhu.
Or not.
Anyway, book news. I have literally just sent Pax Britannia: Leviathan Rising, by Jonathan Green, to press. This next volume in the saga of Ulysses Quicksilver will be out next month and not only do you get a whole novel's worth of steam-punk action but the book also includes the exclusive novella Vanishing Point.
Also, I have just finished the first read-through of Jaspre Bark's The Afterblight Chronicles: Dawn Over Doomsday, and I couldn't be more pleased with this addition to the Afterblight universe. Jaspre's novel re-visits the Native American population and The Apostolic Church of The Rediscovered Dawn as explored in the first book in the series, The Culled. Expect an action-packed story intelligently written, exploring religion and conflict. This will hit the shelves in April.
A couple of us from the Abaddon team will be at the Orbital convention during Easter weekend (21-24th March), so if you're along for that make sure to pop by our stand in the dealer's room. More details of the convention can be found here.
Apart from all this Abaddon stuff, in my free time this week I have mostly been reading Weaveworld by Clive Barker, which is terrific fun. Films enjoyed these past two weeks include
Be Kind, Rewind, The Constant Gardener, Stranger Than Fiction and Willard.
Anyway, more news soon