So after we skipped the May podcast to catch up, then the June podcast went up in July, but you didn't hear about it until August (do try and keep up), we then skipped the July podcast and have recorded the August podcast, which has also gone up in August! We're on fire, man!
Yes, that's right. The Sixth Abaddon & Solaris Books Pocast is now available to download and listen! As always, go to this link in iTunes (or search "Abaddon" in the "Search Store" box), to check it out, or be overwhelmed by the efficiency with which iTunes has already downloaded it. See alternative instructions below if you're just not into the whole iTunes bag.
In The Abaddon & Solaris Books Podcast #6: Bring Tha Noiz, Jon interviews Ian Whates, author of Solaris's very recently released space opera The Noise Within and of the upcoming sequel, The Noise Revealed.
And here's the best bit: this is the first test of a new slicker, quicker, less polished podcast. And it's thirty-three minutes long! Get in.
We're especially keen to hear feedback, what with the new, shorter format.
*We tried to get a quote from Jon's mum, but then I just made one up.
- Not on iTunes, and have sworn to end your life rather than download a single Apple application? Here to help! Just point your RSS client here to download the feed without putting a penny in Steve Jobs' pocket. Keep an eye on the blog for updates, in case we change the host or something crazy like that.
- Bewildered by the term "RSS" and unsure what all this means? No problem, ignorant Luddite! Just follow the exact same link, click on the link to the mp3 of the episode you wish to hear, and you can listen right on your browser! Everyone's a winner!